Wednesday, December 1, 2010


When I still lived under my parents’ roof, I had more faith in God. Before I entered the real world and became assaulted by things like bills and responsibilities, I trusted God to take care of things. Often, on Sundays, I discovered I had less than $5 to my name and I would have plans to go to the movies or do something else that required all the cash I had. So, I’d be faced with two choices. Keep all the money so I could have fun later, or put it in the collection plate and trust that God would take care of my fun plans. Usually, I’d drop it in the collection plate and God always came through. I might have to spend two hours mowing the lawn to earn the money, but he provided the opportunity.
Then I became an adult and I could no longer earn that extra five bucks by something as simple as mowing my own lawn. However, recently I’ve begun seeing God taking care of things if I simply trust in him without attempting to make things easier. One area is the ladies’ Bible study I host. A part of me wanted to be really selfish this year and quit hosting it. I wanted those four to five free hours to myself so I could have extra time to write. But I didn’t believe that’s what God wanted. So Bible Study is on the calendar for every Tuesday and oddly enough this fall, I’ve had more free Tuesdays than busy ones.
And other small events have cleared themselves up without my assistance. My husband unintentionally double booked me one day this week. He didn’t have a chance to reschedule and the appointment really needed to be taken care of. So, I figured I’d deal with it somehow. Except God took care of it first by canceling one of the conflicting appointments. Funny how that worked out.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

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