It’s that time of year again. New Year’s resolutions. Out of curiosity, I looked up the difference between a resolution and a goal. A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something” and a goal is “an aim or desired result.” I prefer the idea of a goal. Deciding what to do is easy. Taking the steps to see results from that decision is harder.
So, for this year, here are my goals (in bullet form because I’ve been having trouble deciphering bullets lately and I need the practice):
- To finish the three book series I am currently working on before the Mount Hermon Writers’ Conference in mid-April. An ambitious goal since I am only about halfway through book one, but I am not including editing with this goal.
- To apply the editing recommendations after sending Sarah Cameron to an editing service.
- To submit, submit, submit Sarah Cameron after achieving previous goal.
- To read one book considered a classic each month.
- To read or re-read one professional book on writing each month.
- To do better at my daily Bible reading. Re: the daily part. (I suppose this is more of a resolution than a goal.)
- To run 20-30 miles per week minimum and run a second marathon some time this year.
I don’t know how successful I will be with all these goals, but I plan to try. Anyone else have goals they want to share?